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Ethiopian Arts


 “Art has indispensable role in nourishing our cultural life, love, forgiveness, and togetherness.”

H E Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed

Ethiopian art

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  Ethiopian art from the 4th century until the 20th can be divided into two broad groupings. First comes a distinctive tradition of Christian art, mostly for churches, in forms including painting, crosses, icons, illuminated manuscripts, and other metalwork such as crowns. Secondly there are popular arts and crafts such as textiles, basketry and jewellery, in which Ethiopian traditions are closer to those of other peoples in the region. Its history goes back almost three thousand years to the kingdom of D'mt. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has been the predominant religion in Ethiopia for over 1500 years, for most of this period in a very close relation, or union, with the Coptic Christianity of Egypt, so that Coptic art has been the main formative influence on Ethiopian church art.

Depiction of John the Evangelist in one of

the Gunda Gunde Gospels, c. 1540

Ale School of Fine Arts and Design


The Reporter

7 August 2021

By Staff Reporter

Hip-hop/rap music has attained mainstream credibility amongst the youth. Rapping in African music and culture is a tradition that goes further than the genre’s popular life cycle, but it was carried to the new world in the 1400s. Ironically History has come full circle, and rap music and hip-hop culture are now being re-created by African youth all over the continent, who have taken rap's current day manifestations and added a new African twist by intertwining their own cultural influences.


The Reporter

24 July 2021

By Staff Reporter

Addis Ababa has seen the emergence of countless subcultures influenced by foreigners. The city blends in multiple buildings with their own unique design and architecture. There aren’t a lot of sustainable buildings that show case the country’s preexisting form of architecture. Architecture is an art of shaping space, of sculpting volumes and giving shape to empty spaces. As such, the spaces in Addis are filled with buildings that choose to imitate western cities.

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The Reporter

19 June 2021

By Staff Reporter

Art symposiums have been used as a way to curate and maintain the knowledge and skill set needed to create art for centuries on end, although it isn’t as common in Ethiopia it has been used in countries across the world. With the art scene taking a life of its own, it was only a matter of time before symposiums dedicated to share experiences that revolve around art were organized. The first of its kind took place right before the pandemic decided to grace us with its presence, with local artists putting in the effort to make an idea they had into actuality by creating a unique ....


Gabriela’s intricate storytelling

The Reporter

31 July 2021    By Staff Reporter

Storytelling is as old as human culture itself; it has been intertwined with human existence to a point where known human history was started by story tellers themselves. Many societies have long-established storytelling traditions; Storytelling traditions vary all over the world, but these traditions often have things in common. From teaching lessons to passing down a culture’s history, these stories are always an important part of life in many cultures.


Fana BC

Addis Ababa, July 17, 2021 (FBC) – World’s renowned laureate Maître Artiste Afework Tekle’s home will be opened as a museum next year, Authority for Research and Conservation of heritage announced.

According to the Authority, the refurbishment of Villa Alpha has been completed more than 90pct and as preparations have also been finalized to Villa Alpha for public as one of the museums in Addis Ababa.

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Modern African Art : A Basic Reading List

Eastern Africa    Ethiopia


     This exhibition catalog deals with the history of Ethiopian painting, but what is of particular interest to modern art is the section devoted to post-revolution art in Ethiopia, after 1974. Jacques Mercier prepared the catalog essay on this recent phase of Ethiopian art history ("Die traditionelle Malerei in der Zeit der kommunistischen Mengistu-Regierung (1974-1991"). What is revealing is the socialist overlay to Ethiopian secular folk painting, which itself derives from Christian painting. Girma Fisseha wrote the portion of the catalog on twentieth-century folk painters, and Walter Raunig opens with an essay on the Christian art of antiquity. The paintings were borrowed from several European museum collections and the private collection of Mercier.


The 11 Best Places to See Art in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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